Couple Never Gives Up During Struggle With Male Fertility.

My wife and I were initially referred to a fertility clinic because my wife was having an allergic reaction to my semen, and the doctor didn’t know where else to direct us.
The fertility clinic first conducted routine tests, after which we were informed that we would not be able to conceive naturally because – even though my wife’s fertility was fine – my ejaculate sample was found to have only three sperm.
“You have three sperm, not three million, which would also be low. I’m sorry, but you will not be able to conceive naturally, and I advise you to start IVF with ICSI as soon as possible.”
We were both shell shocked when we left the clinic; we had no idea that we were going to receive this kind of news. The next few weeks were a rollercoaster of emotions and I really wasn’t very well equipped to cope.
Information was virtually impossible to find
The next few weeks involved fitful internet searches to find out more about male factor infertility, Azoospermia, Cryptozoospermia, IVF, ICSI, etc, etc. However, clear information about male factor infertility was virtually impossible to find.What information there was either extremely basic (eat well, don’t smoke, etc.) or written in the inaccessible 'doctor speak' of academic papers, neither of which was particularly useful. No one seemed to have a story or case that corresponded to our experience.
Starting treatment
After a few months research we decided to try frozen embryo transfer (FET),I spent the next few months eating healthily and regularly banking sperm samples at the clinic, to ensure that on the day they could choose the best options from what was available.
We started the treatment. My wife responded well – too well in fact – to the various drugs and in the end nineteen eggs were extracted. We were hopeful.
Sadly, the first cycle didn’t work. My wife, having responded too well to the drugs, was unable to have a fresh transfer. Worse yet, of the nineteen eggs, only fifteen were mature and only one was fertilized, leaving us with only one low-quality embryo for freezing. A frozen transfer a few months later was unsuccessful.
Consulting a private Andrologist
Before trying another round of IVF with a private clinic, we decided to consult a private andrologist, who in turn recommended a dietician.
The andrologist, did some more thorough tests, reviewed ultrasound scans of my testes, treated a suspected infection, and put me on testosterone boosting hormones (which had some serious negative effects on my mood).
A lack of research into male infertility
After this round I continued to see the andrologist, who suggested the next course of action was to consider using donor semen.
We were at a crossroads; did we really want to take this step? To add insult to injury, the original reason we went to the doctor remained unresolved.
The only thing that was becoming clear was that medical science does not yet know much about male fertility and wasn’t going to be able to offer us much help.
Facing a childless future, making the decision to stop trying was brutal. we are contemplating one final round, but we know this means thousands of bills for what is almost certain to be an unhappy outcome.
It often feels hard to get an honest assessment of the probability of success from private clinics, especially as the cause of the low sperm count remains unexplained.
Watching your peers drift away as they become focused on the next generation. We live with this grief every day.
The Miracle that changed our lives forever
Within the three weeks that I was still recovering from the from the surgery a colleague of mine at work noticed the way I walking and ask me what’s going on, I had to tell him everything because at this point I just need to let everything out, he felt really sad for me and he ask have you tried the herbal way, I was like herbs? I have spent so much money and I don’t think herbs can help me and he replied I was facing a similar issue but not as deep as yours and a friend of mine recommended this herbs and it worked like miracle.
Click here to see the herbal recommendation
After so much thought I decided to get these herbs and I was told i will be using it for 4-6 months, on one fateful morning my wife complained that she’s not filling too well and we decided to visit the hospital before dropping her off at work, on getting to the hospital, the doctor ran some tests and ask us to come down to his office. Sincerely I was scared, but surprisingly we were told my wife was few weeks pregnant. I was in shock, amazed and I started crying.
The surprising thing is I just used the herb for about 4 months and wife is pregnant, I was forced to tell the doctor to do a semen analysis test for me too, I want to be sure. My specimen was taken and I was told to come back for the test, and voila I have about 17mill healthy sperms.
My Advice
If I could offer one piece of advice for anyone on a fertility journey, it would be to talk to someone. Sharing your situation with friends and family, whilst difficult, helped me to process how I was feeling. Two years have now passed now my wife and I look ahead for our second baby.